Tuesday, December 9, 2014

'Tis the Seasons!

Happy Thanksgiving and on to a Merry Christmas!

This week, woooooooooooow! I have never eaten sooooo much in my entire life! Yep, I will be fat this season, haha. No but seriously, no joke. I will be HUGE! I have to say though being feed by members is a huge blessing. I love every appointment, even if I understand 1% of the conversations On Monday, we ate with the Reisen, and had an awesome Family Abend zusammen. We ate, then Elder Hassley, out of nowhere pulled out those small, animal making balloons. What in the World!?!? First off, where did he get those? Second off, what can you do with these balloons to make a spiritual lesson? He did a great job though. Elder Hassley told us to try as hard as we can to blow up these balloons with our mouths... and wow that was a little more then tough. I huffed and I puffed, and no way was that balloon going to fill up. I kept trying and Elder Roberts actually strained his cheeks trying to blow it up. Poor guy!

Then Elder Hassley, brought out a pump and explained how this is Christ. We can never fill up this balloon, unless we have a pump. The pump is just a simple toy. It fills with air, then compresses, until it can give no more air. The pump takes effort, similarly our relationship with Christ takes a similar effort. We must give all ourselves. We will be compressed till the point where we can almost give no more. Then We are filled. We are renewed, with a greater capacity, greater faith, greater happiness. Are we willing to give be compressed in order to be filled with this greater love? I wonder if I am willing to go through the hardest times for the sake of having the Happiest of times. I think I would be willing. I desire so greatly to be filled with pure Happiness, to know that I have worked hard, done my best, then can be happy. We only go through hard times in order to be happy. Everything we do, trials put on us, in the long run, is only ment to make us happy. We may have a trial because we have made a mistake, Heavenly Father asks that we repent. So we can be happy. He gives us trials, to help us learn, and be happy!

With this season of Christmas, let us forget about the worries and stress, and be Happy. For the only gift we should think about receiving is Him. Is Jesus Christ. That is what makes us happy. I love you all, and wish you the best, and Happy Birthday to Jeremy soon!
Elder Annen

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