Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Another Transfer Gone....

         This past week was Transfers and boy! I was so excited to see what happen next... New companion, new area, or stay the same. I had no idea! I was so excited and didn't know what to think. I really wanted a change, but if not, that is what the Lord wants. Calls came and I learned I am staying here and my companion is going to Wettigen. And so I will be getting a new companion, Elder Hassley! All I know it that he is another German, and not much more than that. I really am excited, but a little nervous since I am taking over this Kreuzlingen area. But I am ready, let's do it!
This week, we went to St. Gallen, for a flash mob to advertise the church, and guess who I saw?!?! I saw Wendy! She spoke crazy German to me and I couldn't understand very well, but she was there and I hope I can bump into that family again! The flash mob was really a good and then all the missionaries went out and talked to everyone, handed out Books of Mormon, pass along cards, and really was a great advertisement. So many people stopped, videotaped, took pictures and it was exciting to see other people being excited about missionary work.

     I have been thinking of a spiritual thought to share, and I wish to speak about the Seed of faith. The faith as small as a mustard seed. We read about having only a seed of faith, we can move mountains. This shows that faith doesnt have to be a gigantic number, its more built on quality and simplicity than quantity. When I think about a seed, I think of it as being the most simple basic unit of life. Exercise faith in a simple pray, excercising faith in simple scripture study, in a simple family activity, these simple activities build our faith. They dont have to be expensive, just simple and meaningful. Moments that are so simple yet rememberable. Quality not quantity. Anyway that is my little geistig Gedanke.

I wish you all the best and again, I hope to hear from you soon. I love you all! Perhaps next week I will hear from more of you, but who knows!;)

Elder Annen

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