Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Musikalisher Abend

Dear Family,

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all eat as much turkey as you can because I won't be there, but I will be thinking of you all! My companion and I, plus our two roomates Elder Roberts and Sanft, are thinking of putting together a little Thanksgiving so, I wont be missing out, whoot! Anyways this week, we had many eating apointments and really great musical fireside. And these firesides are what I want to talk about because they are absolutlely amazing! The Spirit and power that these events bring are incredible.

So what is a Musikalisher Abend? Well here in Switzerland, it is a huge deal. There are flyers and advertizing all over the Schweiz, a story created, movie film made, music prepared, and many prayers and much fasting all to make this event happen. I will a link if you want to find more info, but it is all in German so best of luck to you all;)http://musikalischerabend.com/

This Fireside was called "Auf Der Suche Nach Gott." The story is of a man, that has a single daughter, but a wife and 2 other children that died in a car crash. He wants to be the best father he can be. Sadly, with no wife, he leaves his child at home, while he is away at work trying his best to make a living. He ponders about life. Why did his family pass away and how can he be a great father? Does Gott exist? As he thinks about his he stumbles upon two books. A child's book and the Book of Mormon. These two books tie together and builds this beautiful scene of a man and a daughter auf der Suche nach Gott. The Spirit I felt was incredible. I know the Church is true, I had that reconfirmed to me over and over again and at the fireside it was even greater. Joseph Smith is a prophet, he restored it to the earth. I know without a doubt in my heart, because the Spirit filled every doubt in my heart as I listened to the fireside. I Know that my Redeemer lives. He loves us, and is always there. I love him so greatly, and grow contunally everyday to love him more and more. I wish I could describe the event in its fullness but feelings are hard to describe. In short it was inspiring, amazing, spiritual. I loved it. I hope to bring this fireside back home.

Well, Christmas is also coming up soon and I am really excited, especially to spend it in Europe. in Konstanz they have already started to decorate the city with lights and a huge christmas tree. What an exciting time! Well I love you all and pray for you always.

Love Elder Annen

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