Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Rear Window....

"I'm just sayin', how do we know it's an Ice Age? Because..... of all... the Ice!"

This week two movies came to my head in Ravensburg. First was the above quote.. Except I will change it a bit... "I'm just sayin', how do we know it's Ravensburg? Because..... of all... the Ravens!"

Holy Cow, there are so many ravens here, its a little insane! Well this week has both been really hard and yet really relaxing. Monday was a normal P-day, emailing, shopping, packing up, Family home evening where we taught about testimony, played a small game together, ate then went home. Tuesday, we had distrikts versammlung, and boy was that sad. Saying goodbye to many people I won't see for a long time or atleast until after the mission, I do not really know. Then We headed to a less active Family that I had really grown to love. I told them I was leaving and I was so sad. Really, it is amazing how much you can learn to love someone in only 6 months, then boom! Off to a new area.

Wednesday, we had to eating appointments, one with a Peruvian family and the other a German family. I had really grow to love the first so incredibly! She made us a cake with pictures of us, with words like Elder Annen we love you and we will miss you terrribly. Oh it was such a happy and wonderful time. Then they invited me to Peru in 3 years, so wooh! I hope I can see them again. They are such a wonderful family.

Thursday, saddest day, saying goodbye to all the Elders who have become my greatest friends, Elder Hassley, Elder Roberts and Elder Sanft. They are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. With me going to Germany and not staying in Switzerland, traveling was a little crazy. But I got to take a bus, which hopped on a ferry and got me here to Ravensburg! Whoot! All safe and sound!
Friday, I was told out of no where... Elder are giving talks this Sunday and you should each prepare 20-25 minute talks...uuuhhhhh... What?! I can say a few sentences but not speak that long in German! Haha, but what a great experience it was.. We met up with a Newly baptized member and read the Book of Mormon together and explained a little of Nephi seeing his Father´s dream of the tree of life. We explained the symbolism, and what it ment to us personal and had a good spiritual time together.
Saturday We spent driving all across our area, knocking on doors, vorbei on potentials and investigators. Not going to lie, at times it is difficult to be rejected over and over again. I begin to understand Christ more though. His love, his saddness that people do not want to listen to him but loves them enough to keep going and keep trying. Then We went by a Weniger Activ, not home, and went home.

Sunday.... Dun... DUn... DUN!! Time to give a talk and see how many people are actually in this branch. My talk went great, I still cry like a normally do;) I talked about trials, why we have them, what to do in them, and blessing that come from them. I related that all to Joseph Smith and his first vision, it was a beautiful time for me. Our branch is... lets see... 1,2,3,4....20 people or so. So quite small, but really interesting to be in such a small organization of the Church. We also went to some old folks homes and gave the sacrament to some members there. Really a beautiful time there, singing songs, giving the sacrament, all so beautiful. 

Oh shall I tell you about my companion? Elder Zepp. Oh haha, he is a fun guy, he is really fun. He is a German, can speak pretty good English and he is a character. I really like him. 

So... Why do I call this email, The Rear Window? Well good question. Our Apartment reminds me exactly of that same apartment. It's so awkward. I can see a street where the same people from the neighborhood are coming and going and really the whole set up of these apartment are the exact same. It is really scary. 

And yes that was my week. I hope to hear from you all and wish you the best. I love you.

Elder Annen

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