Sunday, February 1, 2015

A New Plan

Remember when I called home and said I would be in Switzerland my whole Mission? Well I am sad to inform you all that I have indeed lied to you, so I am sorry and ask for your forgiveness. This past week we had transfer calls and I am now going to Ravensburg, Germany, which is right across the Bodensee from Kreuzlingen! I am really excited, but really interested to know why Heavenly Father would send me there.. From what I hear, Ravensburg is a small branch.. Any guess how big it is? Anyone? Well, I have heard it is about 16 People big, and that the missionaries give plenty of lessons and talks all the time in this branch. I am not going to lie, I am really excited. I feel just like Dad when He served as a Branch President.

This past week was pretty normal and really slow waiting for the Transfer calls.. Transfer calls are the most intense call that we as missionaries ever receive. I would compare it to actually receiving your Mission call, so exciting and dont know what will happen!

Anyways, this week was busy with Austausches in St. Gallen, eating with our great members and their families. I am trying to think of something unique to share, but this week was really missionary normal work! I cant think of anything else. Oh! Yesterday, my Last Sunday here in Kreuzlingen was the saddest Sunday of my life! I got up to bare my testimony and just remember being almost in tears the whole time. I have grown to love this ward. I love them because yes, first they fed us and second, no just kidding! I love them because of the great love and friendship I have with all of them. I said goodbye to a few families and the one things that melts my poor week heart is saying goodbye to all the young kids. I had a few run up to me, throwing their arms around me and being so sad I was leaving. That just broke the flood gates of my tears. I was really sad and yet that is the life of a Missionary I feel. Jesus had the samething I believe. I bet He wished so greatly that He could stay with Peter, James, and John. I bet He wished He could dwell with the Nephites. His time was come though. And now I understand just a little more what His thoughts were. I love being His servant and being on a mission. It was the greatest decision I had ever made. I love you all, and hope to hear from you soon.

Love as always,
Elder Annen

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