Oh man! General Conference Weekend! How was it? Having a few days off of school and enjoying the weekend listening to some of the most inspired talks I have ever heard! Really that was fantastic! So for this week I will give some highlights then mostly talk about Conference because, wow, that was a special event.
This week we had some time to get a little more excercise, and so we went for a run and played some soccer with some Europeans and man! They are so incredible at soccer, I would just run around, trying to look like I was doing something, and hope they would pass to me. Haha oh I am so humbled by that experience... Honestly, soccer is a fun sport, but it humbles me because I realize how bad I am at it. And now I want to get some proper shoes, cleats, but oh well! We also had exchanges this week and helped an old man move wood from his old tractor into his house. He spoke crazy swiss german, and kept saying gelb! After everything... Yellow? Why does he keep saying gelb? or Yellow? That didnt make sense to me.
General Conference.... What a powerful event! I will talk about my two favorite.. Uchtdorf`s and Jörg Klebingal talks, Uchtdorfs from Priesthood session and Jörg from Sunday morning. "Lord, is it I?" What a powerful statement... I cant think of any comment to add to this wonderfully simple phrase. How often do we look at others and saw, wow THEY need to change that. THEY shouldn't do that, why are THEY doing that? I like the story of the Solitary Dandelion, he talked about. In summary, therre was a man with a perfect lawn, completely green, bushes trimmed, lawn mowed, weeds removed, and the yards was perfect. His neighbor always admired his lawn. This neighbor would look at the lawn everyday and think wow what a beautiful lawn. As the neighbor walked past this perfect lawn, he noticed one dandelion. Why would the man with the perfect yard, not pick up this weed? The rest of lawn was amazing. The neighbor kept thinking about this as he walked into his house, with his yard being covered in dandelions. How often do we see mistakes in others but not in ourselves? I would ask if all of you would ask yourselves... "Lord is it I?" Will you please look within your heart and ask "Lord, Is it I?"
Jörg Klebingal gave 6 amazing tips for finding peace in ones life..
1) Take responsibility for your spiritual confidence, if you arent happy with it, change it! Dont blame others, take responsibililty
2) Take responsibilty for Physical confidence, if you arent happy with it, change it! The body is a temple. Read the Word of Wisdom, it says the exact, perfect diet. Meat in ONLY times of winter or famine, eat good! The Word of Wisdom is the perfect diet
3) Obedience, do things for the right reason
4) Become REALLY good at repentance, happy joyful repentance everyday.
5) Become REALLY good at forgiving
6) Accept trials and experiences... This is something I struggle with and I like what Jörg said. In times of trial "force a smile, look heaven ward, and say `Lord I know why I have this trial` "
Anyways really powerful talks. I love you all!
Elder Annen
Hey Elder Annen! If you eat a healthy Word of Wisdom diet and treat your body like a temple, I'd love for you to share your story on my site, Discovering the Word of Wisdom! http://discoveringthewordofwisdom.com. Bless you!!